Until the end of the first quarter of 1990, the EI was under auspices of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and the State Planning Commission, had 13 sectors and 107 staff.
Under auspices: MAS
Director: P.Luvsandorj, L.Dondog /1992-1995/
- To develop a model of national development for Mongolia, to study market economy
- To conduct studies of economic theory
Objectives: Objectives of the Consulting Centre: support of research activities of the institute by engaging in in intellectual business such as processing of economic research findings and economic data, implementation of research on commission, consulting.
International cooperation: The World Economics Association, Economic Research Institute within the Japanese Economic Planning Agency, the government Institute of the Japanese Economic Planning Agency
Research capacity: In the period of 1973-1976, 30 researchers studied for and received their doctoral degrees and 5 researchers received their Doctor of Sciences degrees in universities in Moscow /USSR/, Berlin /DRG/, Tashkent /Uzbekistan/ and Ulaanbaatar/Mongolia/.
Organizational structure:
While in 1990 the EI had 13 sectors and 97 staff, in 1997 it had 5 sectors and 20 staff. A Consulting Centre was established within EI in 1994.
Financing: Transition to the new financing regulations according to research topics.